Dating Advice: Why it's Important to Continue to Date Your Spouse

Consult a Therapist Series

Have your date nights gotten stale? How often do you get to go on a date with your partner? If life has gotten busy with work, school, kids, home projects, hobbies, or the 100 other things that ask for our time and you've let date nights with your spouse slide, you're TOTALLY NORMAL! This happens.

And for the health of your relationship, it's time to bring date night back. Couples therapists Melissa Sanders and Rebecca Williams will teach you why continuing to date your spouse is important, how dating your partner helps you stay connected and prevents problems in your relationship, and will give some quick tips for good dates.

Advice for Dating your Spouse:

  1. Make time for each other

    • set a schedule that allows you to take time for each other throughout the week

    • make a specific, intentional time to spend together

  2. Be creative

    • come up with fun, new ways to spend quality time together; especially during difficult times

    • Cook, play games, paint - discover new activities you can do together

    • doing new things together promotes bonding

  3. Have a good conversation

    • learn about each other - there are always new things to learn since we are always changing

    • stay present in the conversation - don’t get distracted by your phone, other people, or other worries.

All this time together fills up your emotional bank accounts. This can help with communication and navigating arguments in the future as you will feel closer to each other.

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